

Development[34] Tips[22] DIY[17] Raspberry[13] Games[12] Arduino[11] Reviews[10] Books[10] Web[10] Life[9] Xbox[7] Tutorials[6] Windows[6] Php[5] Gaming[5] Business[4] Websites[4] Mysql[4] Azure[3] Exitshop[3] Programs[3] School[3] 3d-Printing[3] E-Commerce[3] Python[3] Server[3] Retro[2] Review[2] Video[2] Ai[1]



New 3D Printer and Drybox

I suddenly felt the urge to buy a new 3D printer when I saw the Prusa Mini in action. I’ve been using my old Alfawise U30 for a few years now and it’s time to upgrade. So on Christmas Eve I opened the box containing a new Prusa Mini+. It took me about 7 hours to put it together.


What I Read and Played in 2024

This is the tenth anniversary report of my reading and gaming experiences over the past year. I’ve had even less time for these cultural consumptions because of another, small, new human beeing ❤️


My New Free Software Contribution - GitHub Avatars

My latest contribution to the free software community is a web extension for Firefox and Chrome called GitHub Avatars.


How To Translate CodeIgniter 3/4 language files with AI

You want to translate your CodeIgniter project into multiple languages? Well, I have created a PHP library called codeigniter-ai-translation, which uses Anthropic’s Claude AI to translate your language files. You can install it via composer using the link above.


Rainwater tank level monitoring with Raspberry Pi Pico W

I have a rainwater tank in my garden and I’m a tinkerer, so I decided to do some water level monitoring. For this I used a Raspberry Pi Pico W, which is small, cheap and has integrated Wi-Fi.


I switched my Docker backend from Hyper-V to WSL2

I’ve been using Docker for nearly three years now, primarily for development purposes. As a Windows user, I’ve consistently utilized Hyper-V as the backend. This choice was mainly due to the poor performance of the WSL2 backend, particularly because I insisted on keeping my application files on the Windows partition. Although the Hyper-V backend worked adequately for me, it was still slower than production, even on my high-end desktop PC. Consequently, I never felt compelled to switch to the WSL2 backend, despite it being considered the future of Docker for some time.


What I Read and Played in 2023

What I Read

Well, not much. Certainly not as much as when I didn’t have a child :))


New version of my game Nazdar! (v0.17)

After nine months, I have released a new version of my open-source game, Nazdar! The Game.


Current ranking of Formula 1 teams by IT sponsors 2023 (FINAL)

This is an updated FINAL ranking (as of 2023-11-26) of Formula 1 teams, ranked by their IT sponsors or the products whose logos are displayed on their car wraps.


Why Microsoft is pushing WinUI when it does everything with the web

  • Loop
  • Clipchamp
  • Outlook

Why should we, poor developers, use native Microsoft desktop technologies (even if they are multiplatform) like MAUI or WinUI3, when even Microsoft itself is not capable of it and uses web technologies for new applications?


How To Restore MariaDB backup

This is a very fine-tuned procedure to restore MariaDB backups. Make sure you restore the DB to the same version of MariaDB.


My Thoughts On The New Xbox Series X

Call me an early adopter, but it’s only 2023 and I just bought a new Xbox Series X. I didn’t check in advance what the news was. I chose the Series X only because I have a collection of boxed games and want to be able to play them, not because of the higher performance over the extremely cheap Series S.


My First Real Game - Check It Out - Nazdar! The Game

After more than a year of work, in March I “published” my more or less first real game, which I programmed in C# in the Monogame framework.


How I Built My Own Arcade Cabinet

Who could resist building their own gaming console? I decided to build an Arcade Cabinet, in the “tabletop” version, also known as a Bartop. I watched several American videos (they all do it the same way) and adapted it a bit for Czech conditions and my own needs (no nail gun, no joysticks, no rubber around the edges). Finally, I found a reasonable use for my Raspberry Pi 3A, which was “lying around in a drawer”. All I had to do was install Retropie on it. I had already done that in the past, but the whole point is to have your own “hardware”, or better yet, a box.


What I Read and Played in 2022

What I Read

In 2022, I hardly read anything, I mostly played games. The statistics are sad (markdown table).


How I Escaped the Cloud

Half a year ago, I famously migrated my websites and experiments to Azure, specifically to Static Web Apps (which are free), App Service (Flask website, also basically free with limited CPU time), and Cosmos DB (a NoSQL database with a SQL-like API…sounds better than it actually is). And I was basically satisfied, I had resource groups in Azure with individual services, an overview of spending, and even nameservers in Azure DNS (because I couldn’t find a CZ registrar that could handle ALIAS/ANAME).


BitBucket PowerToy - my (another) mini-project

I have a problem with issues at work being spread across several BitBucket repositories. BitBucket cannot limit the visibility of issues to a specific person/team, so we have a separate repository for each major client.


Diesel - my next mini project

I made a mini project just for fun - diesel - it shows the current fuel prices at my two favorite gas stations. How does it work?


How I migrated to the cloud

I decided to move all my small websites from the company server to the cloud and get rid of Wordpress at the same time, because I’m a Wordpress hater. I decided to migrate to Azure, because I’m a Microsoft fanboy and with one condition, it has to be completely free, because I’m stingy.


ExitShop IoT - smart box

I created an Internet of Things smart box for ExitShop to display the current number of orders and, most importantly, play a melody (like Super Mario) when a new order arrives.


Heating Dashboard, Tecomat Scraping in Node.js, WiFi Thermometer on ESP8266, and More

In our house, we have underfloor heating controlled by a Tecomat box, which opens and closes valves based on the temperature in each room and the set target temperature, allowing hot water to flow into each room separately.


How to Play Steam Games on Your TV?

Not all games are available on Xbox, so every gamer surely has Steam. However, sitting in front of a PC may not be comfortable, and while you can connect your laptop to your TV via HDMI, it’s not convenient. What if your desktop is in another room?


What I Read and Played in 2021

This year, we moved and now we are three. I didn’t have much energy for reading, but a reading diary cannot be missing. I spent more time playing games, especially on Xbox.


How Firefox annoyed me with automatic form caching

I don’t know when or why, but Firefox started caching forms, probably as a protection against accidental deletion, for example by refreshing the page. It may seem like a great feature for users, but I find it very non-standard.


My humble DIY weather station

I built my weather station a few years ago, but only now do I dare to write an article about it. The weather station is open source, but there is no documentation or anything like that. You can find it on GitHub for inspiration. It’s really just a project for fun.


I Hate Medium

I’m so old that I remember the time of bloggers and RSS readers. Those were truly beautiful times :)


Why are new microwaves so complicated?

This microwave is about 20 years old. Anyone who comes to it immediately knows how to use it. Just turn the dial.


From WAMP to Docker, simply


Whenever we onboard a new developer to ExitShop, the biggest challenge is setting up the system locally, typically on some WAMP (Xampp, Neard…). Usually, it involves three steps:


What I Read in 2020

Here it is! Once again, a list of what I read last year. For the fifth time.


What I played in 2020?

Here is a chronological list of games I played in 2020!


Building a Family House

Planting a tree, building a house, having a son…currently I’m at the second point. We are building a little house in the countryside and I’m writing about it on my blog at Stay tuned.


How do I like playing on Nintendo 2DS?

Nintendo 2DS is a “stripped-down” version of the famous 3DS and does not have a flip design + does not have 3D display (which was a hit in 2013). It is a kind of “board” with two screens primarily intended for children, which can be purchased (new) for less than 2,000 crowns.


Windows - Clipboard History

A great feature in Windows 10 is the native support for Clipboard History. This means that the clipboard (Ctrl + V) doesn’t just remember the last item copied, but remembers multiple items.


How to play retro games - fake consoles? Nintendo and SEGA

I have already written about how to create a gaming console from a Raspberry Pi. With the help of an emulator, you can play games from various consoles. However, it didn’t work out for me. Sometimes it didn’t want to turn on or it caused problems.


OttoDIY - Build Your Own Robot

OttoDIY is an open source project with a wide community. Essentially, it is a small robot made up of an Arduino, 4 servo motors, an ultrasonic sensor, and a few other parts from a 3D printer.


What I Read in 2019

This year I slowed down a bit. My list includes both absolute nonsense and excellent books. Most of the good ones were fiction. Of the “professional” ones, if you can even call them that, none really caught my attention.


Make a gaming console out of Raspberry Pi with RetroPie

Another use for the Raspberry Pi microcomputer can be a retro gaming console. What we will need:


ARCO1500 - support on StartovaÄŤ and get a retro gaming console

After about a year of development, I would like to introduce our new project - ARCO1500 8-bit gaming console.


Controlling a 3D Printer with OctoPrint

When 3D printing, you have three options:


Nákupní galerie s potřebami pro domácnost

Domácnost potřebuje mnoho věcí, ale hledat je v obchodech obvykle trvá dlouho. Aby milovníci obchodování usnadnili domácí nákupy, můžeme nabídnout následující službu:


Affordable 3D Printer - Alfawise U30

I recently purchased the Alfawise U30, a Chinese 3D printer. You can buy it from Gearbest for $170 including shipping. Choose the Fast-23 warehouse, which is located in the Czech Republic, so your package will arrive within two days.


How to save money when shopping at foreign e-shops (Aliexpress, PayPal) with Revolut + 300 CZK gift

With Revolut, you can get a free MasterCard payment card that you can use to send (top up) money and pay anywhere - online or physically. If you register through the above link and verify your account, you will receive 300 CZK as a welcome gift. I did too :)


How to Make Your Own Digital Thermometer with Arduino and LM75A

I made a digital thermometer using the following components:


How to connect LM75 thermometer to Raspberry Pi

We have already shown how to measure the temperature of the processor and receive email notifications when the temperature exceeds a certain threshold.


Simpler Posting to Multiple Social Media Accounts - Postfity

Recently, I wanted to boost the social media presence of my projects and since posting on Facebook is so tedious and annoying, I looked for a program (or service, although I would prefer a simple application…) that would allow me to post to multiple networks at once. For one project, maybe Facebook and Twitter, for another, Facebook and Instagram, etc.


How to download torrents on Raspberry Pi

If you use Raspberry Pi as a server, turning it into a torrent client/server is a great idea - it’s always online, so you can download day and night.


How to Make a Stool from Pallets

Today we will show you how to make a stool and how it can help prevent hemorrhoids or constipation. A stool is a small chair that you can pull out from under the toilet bowl when you visit the bathroom, sit on the bowl, and place your feet on the stool. This will make it more natural for you to do your business.


How to Monitor Temperature on Raspberry Pi

You don’t want your Raspberry Pi to catch fire, do you?


How to create a shared storage from Raspberry Pi

Today we will show you how to create a shared disk in your local network. We will use Raspberry Pi and Samba software for this purpose.


How to Make a Media Server from Raspberry Pi

Today we will show you how to make a media server in your local network. We will use Raspberry Pi and MiniDLNA software for this purpose.


How to Make a Web Server with Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi is a tiny computer that can be used for many things. We will show you how to build your own web server on it. It won’t have any graphical interface, we will control it like proper nerds through the command line.


How to Easily Automate Website Testing - Selenium and Webdriver

After every major change in a project, or even with every release, it is advisable to test the basic functionality of the application. End-to-End testing directly in the browser is one of the options and, in my opinion, it’s fun.


How to Hack Saved Passwords from Browsers

I have recorded a short tutorial on how to retrieve saved passwords from a browser. Maybe most people don’t know this:


Better Video Editing - Filmora

If the Photos app for Windows 10 is not enough for your video editing needs, you may need to invest in a better program. I chose between Filmora and Adobe Premiere Elements, and ended up choosing the former (version 9).


Video Editing in Windows 10

Movie Maker was simply an unbeatable program for simple video editing. When I was looking for its successor, the OpenShot Video Editor worked best for me, but it has a typically ugly user interface.


Two useful tools for automatic PHP code improvement - ECS and Rector

The first tool is Easy Coding Standard. You can install it via composer (either in your project or globally) and simply run it in the console:


How I Bought a Hamster and Built Him a Shelter Including Electrification

I bought a hamster for an ungodly amount of money at Petshop for my workplace. His name is Pixie IV. and yes, he is already the fourth dwarf hamster with this name… don’t ask what happened to III.


What I Read in 2018

Without any unnecessary introductions, here is a list of books I read in 2018, chronologically:


Upgrading CodeIgniter from version 2 to 3 - what to watch out for?

The CodeIgniter documentation describes the upgrade process in quite detail on this page. In addition to incremental upgrades, there is a longer article on upgrading from version 2.2.x to 3.0.x. Here are a few things that I had specific problems with:


How I turned off notifications

A few months ago, I did a great thing - I turned off notifications for my work email on my phone and removed the icon from my home screen. When I want to check my email, I can still access it, but I don’t have to stress about incoming emails. I simply deal with them when I’m at work.


How I Cleaned My Nose

Jala neti is originally a yoga tool. However, you don’t have to be a yogi to try it. It’s a simple kettle into which you pour water, insert it into one nostril, and let the water flow out through the other nostril.


What I Read in 2017

So I finally caught up with this report. Some of these books I sell on my online shop.


What I Read in 2016

Another article from the archive secrets section is here.


What I Read in 2015

Whaaat, what is this current article? In 2015, I started keeping a reading diary, or just writing down the books I read in OneNote, because after finishing school I started reading more. Whether it was books I bought on my own initiative or I received from my employer as part of personal development :D You can buy some of them on my bazárku.


How to Illuminate Your Bed with LED Strips Like a Pro

This article is a follow-up to an older piece - How to Make a Pallet Bed with Lights Like a Pro - where I used a regular 20m string of lights to illuminate the bed and somewhat falsely labeled it as LED lights in the article…


Percona Toolkit for analyzing MySQL slow log on Windows

Analyzing MySQL slow log is one of the basic and most powerful ways to speed up a website and prevent overloading the database server. The idea is to look at SQL queries that took too long and were frequently executed, and then optimize them (by adding indexes or rewriting, grouping, splitting, etc.).


Google Shopping - how to have multiple websites under one account

It may seem unbelievable, but by default, Google Shopping does not allow you to manage multiple websites (e-commerce stores) under one account. You have to request it here and wait a few days. After that, your account will be upgraded and you will be able to manage multiple e-commerce stores.


5 Useful Developer Extensions for Chrome

Hey, I offer an overview of extensions that I use when developing websites. They are practically the only extensions I use, besides AdBlock. I try to keep them to a minimum.


cmder: upgraded console for Windows

Unfortunately, cmd.exe has been the same for several (dozens of) years and lacks many pleasant features compared to Unix terminals. And if it doesn’t lack them, it’s incompatible with Unix, which can be an obstacle in development - many tutorials are written for Unix and you will encounter it on servers as well. It’s difficult to copy and paste from and to it, scrolling is difficult, standard Unix commands don’t work, etc.


How to type faster on a keyboard?

I don’t mean typing directly, but mainly deleting and editing text. When you press the Backspace key, hold it down and wait until it starts to repeat. This interval can be shortened to a minimum, which saves time in the long run but especially does not delay you with awkward waiting. In addition to the Backspace key, you can also use the cursor arrows when moving through text.


I have founded a new e-shop - BastlĂ­me

I have founded a new “mini-shop”, or as we call it in ExitShop, a “one-page e-shop”, this time focused on Arduino and accessories - it’s called BastlĂ­


Almost Hipster Fashion by TrueHipster

For now, it’s only about t-shirts that I spray through a hand-cut stencil or paint. The eshop with only a few products is located at After years of programming eshops, I want to try running and operating one myself. I’m quite enjoying the whole process from design to production, ironing (fortunately, I have an assistant for that), photography, and presentation on the eshop.


DIY Dog Bed Made from an Old Tire!

My friends often call me a true hipster, DIY lover, handmade enthusiast and other similar names. I simply enjoy doing manual work that deviates from the common understanding of consumer society.


Bluetooth Car with Arduino

My childhood dream came true and I built my own remote-controlled car. What does it contain?


How to Make a Glowing Pallet Bed Like a Boss

First, you need to find pallets, which is almost a superhuman task. If you want new, beautiful, standardized EURO pallets with a load capacity of 2 tons with evenly distributed weight, you will usually encounter an approach like min. 300 pallets, 250 CZK / piece, where do you want to send the truck? But if you’re a true hipster like me, you’ll settle for used and completely mismatched pallets. For example, the company LEDtech internet trade s.r.o. specializes in them. 14875067_1264007116954979_2007546264_n


DIY Electronics!

I’m back after 9 months, just like when a child is born, I am reborn on this blog. However, let’s get to the topic.


How I fixed my Xbox 360

Recently, my Xbox 360 broke down with the classic RROD (Red Ring of Death) after only a month of use. It was purchased from Aukra, so it’s not surprising. I have a feeling it had already been repaired before I got it, as there were a few broken legs on the processor before I started working on it, but the warranty sticker was still intact. A kind soul quickly got me a new one, but I also bought a repair kit from eBay. The kit consisted of 8 screws, several washers, and thermal paste.


Which browser is the best?

None of them. In the past few months, I have tried Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Opera instead of Chrome, and I don’t know the winner. However, I disqualify Opera due to its non-existent bookmarks.


If you want to keep something, put it on free hosting

And preferably on or It has been proven to me several times. Your hard drives crash, you delete unimportant things, you forget… but the free hosting giants remain. And with them, your embarrassing websites from 2006-2007. I was 14-15 years old and I made such beautiful pieces:


No reason to use BS Player anymore

If you still use the BS Player, an ergonomic nightmare from the days of burning movies onto CDs, pay attention. You probably use it for downloading subtitles, if not, stop reading.


Social Informatics, Goodbye and Bachelor's Degree!

It’s been a few weeks since I successfully completed my studies in Social Informatics at FI MUNI. I would like to write a few lines about it, more like a bark. I still want to study at that school :D


Expedition Tre Kronor

Yesterday, I returned from a week-long Eurotrip with friends. After a very long planning process (practically a year spent in pubs :)), we decided on the route Germany (Jesteburg) -> Denmark (Copenhagen) -> Sweden (Stockholm) -> Poland (Kolobrzeg). It was a successful trip, 4000 km and diverse experiences.


How I taught an ECDL course

For a few days, I tried working as a lecturer for an ECDL course in PĹ™erov. It was an interesting experience, teaching mothers and grandmothers how to use the Office suite, including Access, when they didn’t even know how to create a folder :)


How do I like playing on Xbox?

Good :) Finally, I can try and play games that I couldn’t even dream of on my laptop. All I need to do is buy an Xbox 360, which can be found on Aukro for just over 2,000, connect it to the TV and that’s it. Although it doesn’t have as great graphics as a computer worth 30,000, it doesn’t bother me on the TV and I never cared about graphics anyway. The main thing for me has always been the smoothness of the game.


A Few Updates from the Life of a Small-Town Guy

So, it’s been a week since I proudly graduated. You might be wondering, “what have you been up to?” Well, I’ll tell you straight up: nothing.


I've done it

And successfully. Today, on June 19th, I became a bachelor of Social Informatics at MUNI Czechia. A new field whose future is uncertain. But more on that later.


How is the development of Steam Kitty going?

Promisingly, after about a month, I’ve leaned back into it and am slowly finishing up. I still need to create a few more backgrounds and find suitable music and sounds. And of course, fine-tune the game settings and fix some bugs that appear on Androids.


Steam Kitty - development continues

dog2Development of my game project is progressing nicely. The release may be sooner than I expected, but I don’t want to get ahead of myself.


How I mined and re-mined

In April of last year, I had a presentation in school about virtual currency, specifically about Bitcoins.


New version of Diabetic Diary!

promoYesterday, on impulse from a user, I decided to expand the functionality of my simple Android application by adding data export, specifically glucose value tables. In the application, you can generate a table, enter an email, and the table will be sent to you in PDF format, which you can then show to your doctor. This eliminates the need to manually transfer values from your mobile device to paper.


Flux: Save Your Eyes

If you belong to the army of IT guys like me, who stare at monitors for long hours at night, try the program f.lux.


SteamKitty - development started

After unsuccessful attempts with in both its versions (text-based game, MMORPG), I decided to do something simpler, something I will actually finish.


Dog Pee - one of the first Czech HTML5 games in Windows 8 Store!

Yes, it’s true! Today, my Windows 8 version of Dog Pee was approved. This makes it the third platform, after Chrome Webstore and Android Market. Of course, it can also be played in a regular browser :)


Dog Pee comeback!

About a year ago, I created an HTML5 game for the Google MámPadla competition and placed 3rd. I published it on the Chrome Webstore.


Registering in web catalogs / directories - does it have any meaning?

A silly question. Whatever the case may be, I wouldn’t worry about it.


Looking back at the Mám padla competition

“In the end, the TV Program application was declared the winner, while QR Code Base was disqualified - however, there was still no official statement.”


Dog Pee - my new HTML5 game!

It’s true, I too have succumbed to the HTML5 craze and decided to create an HTML5 game for a competition organized by Google - Mám Padla. So please, the +1 button will help me :)