What I Read in 2015

2018-03-30 | 366 words

Whaaat, what is this current article? In 2015, I started keeping a reading diary, or just writing down the books I read in OneNote, because after finishing school I started reading more. Whether it was books I bought on my own initiative or I received from my employer as part of personal development :D You can buy some of them on my bazárku.

  1. Remote is a slim book with a clear theme, containing tips for working online - how to share information with colleagues, what to watch out for and how to maintain motivation.
  2. The 4-Hour Chef by Tim Ferriss is an incredibly huge book containing almost all human knowledge. There are only a few recipes, but more scientific information about “low carbon diet”, how to hunt and download game, etc. I didn’t finish it, just skimmed through it…maybe I’ll come back to it for weight loss!
  3. Startup for Dummies - I honestly don’t remember much about this, but you can deduce it from the title…
  4. Delivering Happiness - a very good book by the founder of the Zappos e-shop about putting the customer first.
  5. Quiet - an interesting book about introverts, but it seemed to me that it was all a defense of introverts to improve their self-confidence.
  6. Seven Deadly Sins - the first book by Corey Taylor (Slipknot) about the seven deadly sins. I have to admit that I didn’t handle such advanced and colloquial English very well.
  7. Rich Dad, Poor Dad - a classic bestseller. I also read its modified version for parents, but basically the only important information is passive vs. active income, otherwise it’s just a sauce.
  8. Agile Software Development Methods - a small book, quite practically oriented, I recommend it. Terms like backlog, sprint, user story, scrum team and other buzzwords.
  9. Start with Why and Simon Sinek - I still have it on my desk…I read it halfway through and then it stopped entertaining me, as it kept repeating the same thing - the golden circle - what, how, WHY.
  10. Enough - a book criticizing the disproportionate rewards of financial administrators (especially if their results have a decreasing tendency) and how to find the limit when a person has enough.