How to play retro games - fake consoles? Nintendo and SEGA

2020-01-18 | 271 words

I have already written about how to create a gaming console from a Raspberry Pi. With the help of an emulator, you can play games from various consoles. However, it didn’t work out for me. Sometimes it didn’t want to turn on or it caused problems.

Currently, I mostly play on two fake consoles from Aliexpress. The first is a copy of the 8-bit NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) and the second is a copy of the 16-bit Sega Genesis (Mega Drive). Both consoles have games loaded into them, connect to the TV via AV (RCA) and come with two controllers.

Although the NES has simpler games with weaker graphics, it is probably my favorite console mainly because I used to play those games as a child on video games from the Chinese market. You can play games like Super Mario Bros, Tank 1990, Dr. Mario, Adventure Island, and more. Even with shipping, it will cost you about $16.

Sega Genesis has better graphics, better sounds, and the games are also much more action-packed. They don’t worry about copyright :) There are mainly games based on movies - James Bond, Jurassic Park, Demolition Man, of course Sonic, and more. I have never played any of them before, only seen them on YouTube, so I don’t have much of a connection to them. The console is a bit more expensive, it will cost you $25.

Before buying, make sure to use cashback. Personally, I use Tipli and you will get a certain amount back from your purchase. And another recommendation, use Revolut and you will have a better exchange rate when making purchases.