I’m so old that I remember the time of bloggers and RSS readers. Those were truly beautiful times :)
Do you remember Posterous? A blogging platform that some of us (including me) migrated our blogs to. Then we migrated back to good old WordPress.
But Medium, that’s a different story. You can’t just open an article. On Android, it asks you to install the app. You have no other option.
Then it requires registration. You can’t use Facebook because of the lack of two-factor authentication support.
You can use Google. They ask for my favorite topics, I have to choose three. Feminism, race, and LGBTQIA.
I complete the registration and they ask me to choose three topics. Deja vu.
And after all of this, I’m in Medium. And where is the article I wanted to read? Of course, I have to search for it again :)
And this is the platform where we want to blog?