Build your armored train and defend it agains the bloody Bolsheviks.
Microstrategy platformer. At night, you fight against primitive communists. At day, you build your defences and take care of your armored train. Game set in the period of the Russian Revolution, when the Czechoslovak legionnaires fought against the communists and once controlled the entire Trans-Siberian Railway.
Version v0.17 2023-10-29
Survival mode - endless slaughter of Bolsheviks. No levels, no story. Just you and your train against the endless hordes of enemies. How long can you survive?
new game mode - survival
tutorial hints in the first level
a little voice acting (not mine though)
no more score - it was useless
a lot of bug fixes
Version v0.15 2023-03-21
Bugfixes, game balance update.
new save engine - old saves are lost :( but hey, at least they do not disappear when updating game because of IsolatedStorage
more intelligent soldiers and medics
raindrops have different speeds creating more realistic effect
Lenins (last level bosses) are not so much OP
less serious texts
little winning animation
Version v0.11 2023-03-05
Game is now generally available on stores - Windows, Xbox, Android, Linux.
no autosave
golden treasure
new mechanized enemy type
Version v0.10 2023-02-14
THIS IS ANOTHER HUGE UPDATE (almost 50 commits)
town center can be upgraded only to village number
bare hands are not always death wish
new level is always started with homelesses and coins
no more suicidal peasants
more peasants can get tools at the same time
credits page - with buy me a coffee and paypal button
new building - market
new enemy type - pig rider
new sounds - shooting, grunting, clicks
rain and snow
more particles
outro page
bullets with random Y
attack +/- 20% random
medics also heal player; no healing by upgrading
cheat! (press “c”)
clocks instead of day/night countdown and other UI improvements
railways and repairing them as a pre goal
parallaxing mountains, trees and clouds
vibration settings
8 levels total; last level with a ship!
more env sprites - flowers, grass, tunnels, …
more metal and chillout songs
Version v0.9 2023-01-14
THIS IS A HUGE UPDATE (28 commits)
hospital -> medical kit -> medic
new sprites (buildings => railroad cars, people, player)
smaller save files
locomotive (“key” to the next level) with tiny “win” animation and supermessage
smoke particles for soldiers and towers
new splash screen
currently 4 levels, some kind of progression … every level slightly different (new buildings, enemies)
mouse only in dev mode (unnecessary)
only one center upgrade a day
left and right borders (very simple)
camera shake!
vibrations! (android and gamepad)
removed some useless messages
village names and very basic (but moving) story
smooth song transitions
Version v0.8 2022-12-03
game won screen
nice sky color transition
color palette CC-29 (not for all sprites yet)
after upgrading base to level 5, next village awaits! (only 2)
homelesses spawn around slums
wider sprites, vagoon-like
farmers gather around base at night
better game balance
version number in menu
Version v0.7 2022-11-07
no jump doublesounds
touch controls (Android) on the bottom
farmer sprites
farmers limit on farms
arsenal and cartridges - no unlimited ammo, you must buy it at arsenal
enemies gain attack power over time
attack power drawn above people
starting money and homelesses
current game stats on game over screen
better game balance
Version v0.6 2022-10-23
enemies drop money
base can be upgraded - it increases attack power of soldiers, peasants and farmers
farms and farmers! generate money
deactivate input when window is not active
homeless limit, starting money for new game etc
Version v0.5 2022-09-30
fixed screen problems on Android (and maybe Xbox)
soldiers are shooting and have different colors
deleting save files
Version v0.4 2022-09-26
Soldiers are shooting! Multitouch on Android.
Version v0.3 2022-09-25
It somehow works on Android. Multitouch is not yet supported. It appears a bit off to the left side of the screen, I don’t know why. I can’t get it centered without breaking the aspect ratio.