I have a rainwater tank in my garden and I’m a tinkerer, so I decided to do some water level monitoring.
I created an Internet of Things smart box for ExitShop to display the current number of orders and, most importantly, play a melody (like Super Mario) when a new order arrives.
In our house, we have underfloor heating controlled by a Tecomat box, which opens and closes valves based on the temperature in each room and the set target temperature, allowing hot water to flow into each room separately.
I built my weather station a few years ago, but only now do I dare to write an article about it.
OttoDIY is an open source project with a wide community.
After about a year of development, I would like to introduce our new project - ARCO1500 8-bit gaming console.
I made a digital thermometer using the following components:
I bought a hamster for an ungodly amount of money at Petshop for my workplace.
I have founded a new “mini-shop”, or as we call it in ExitShop, a “one-page e-shop”, this time focused on Arduino and accessories - it’s called Bastlíme.
My childhood dream came true and I built my own remote-controlled car.
I’m back after 9 months, just like when a child is born, I am reborn on this blog.