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Why are new microwaves so complicated?

This microwave is about 20 years old. Anyone who comes to it immediately knows how to use it. Just turn the dial.


Building a Family House

Planting a tree, building a house, having a son…currently I’m at the second point. We are building a little house in the countryside and I’m writing about it on my blog at Stay tuned.


How I Bought a Hamster and Built Him a Shelter Including Electrification

I bought a hamster for an ungodly amount of money at Petshop for my workplace. His name is Pixie IV. and yes, he is already the fourth dwarf hamster with this name… don’t ask what happened to III.


How I turned off notifications

A few months ago, I did a great thing - I turned off notifications for my work email on my phone and removed the icon from my home screen. When I want to check my email, I can still access it, but I don’t have to stress about incoming emails. I simply deal with them when I’m at work.


Social Informatics, Goodbye and Bachelor's Degree!

It’s been a few weeks since I successfully completed my studies in Social Informatics at FI MUNI. I would like to write a few lines about it, more like a bark. I still want to study at that school :D


Expedition Tre Kronor

Yesterday, I returned from a week-long Eurotrip with friends. After a very long planning process (practically a year spent in pubs :)), we decided on the route Germany (Jesteburg) -> Denmark (Copenhagen) -> Sweden (Stockholm) -> Poland (Kolobrzeg). It was a successful trip, 4000 km and diverse experiences.


How I taught an ECDL course

For a few days, I tried working as a lecturer for an ECDL course in Přerov. It was an interesting experience, teaching mothers and grandmothers how to use the Office suite, including Access, when they didn’t even know how to create a folder :)


A Few Updates from the Life of a Small-Town Guy

So, it’s been a week since I proudly graduated. You might be wondering, “what have you been up to?” Well, I’ll tell you straight up: nothing.


I've done it

And successfully. Today, on June 19th, I became a bachelor of Social Informatics at MUNI Czechia. A new field whose future is uncertain. But more on that later.