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How To Restore MariaDB backup

This is a very fine-tuned procedure to restore MariaDB backups. Make sure you restore the DB to the same version of MariaDB.


From WAMP to Docker, simply


Whenever we onboard a new developer to ExitShop, the biggest challenge is setting up the system locally, typically on some WAMP (Xampp, Neard…). Usually, it involves three steps:


Upgrading CodeIgniter from version 2 to 3 - what to watch out for?

The CodeIgniter documentation describes the upgrade process in quite detail on this page. In addition to incremental upgrades, there is a longer article on upgrading from version 2.2.x to 3.0.x. Here are a few things that I had specific problems with:


Percona Toolkit for analyzing MySQL slow log on Windows

Analyzing MySQL slow log is one of the basic and most powerful ways to speed up a website and prevent overloading the database server. The idea is to look at SQL queries that took too long and were frequently executed, and then optimize them (by adding indexes or rewriting, grouping, splitting, etc.).