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Rainwater tank level monitoring with Raspberry Pi Pico W

I have a rainwater tank in my garden and I’m a tinkerer, so I decided to do some water level monitoring.


How I Built My Own Arcade Cabinet

Who could resist building their own gaming console?


Heating Dashboard, Tecomat Scraping in Node.js, WiFi Thermometer on ESP8266, and More

In our house, we have underfloor heating controlled by a Tecomat box, which opens and closes valves based on the temperature in each room and the set target temperature, allowing hot water to flow into each room separately.


How to Play Steam Games on Your TV?

Not all games are available on Xbox, so every gamer surely has Steam.


My humble DIY weather station

I built my weather station a few years ago, but only now do I dare to write an article about it.


Make a gaming console out of Raspberry Pi with RetroPie

Another use for the Raspberry Pi microcomputer can be a retro gaming console.


Controlling a 3D Printer with OctoPrint

When 3D printing, you have three options:


How to connect LM75 thermometer to Raspberry Pi

We have already shown how to measure the temperature of the processor and receive email notifications when the temperature exceeds a certain threshold.


How to download torrents on Raspberry Pi

If you use Raspberry Pi as a server, turning it into a torrent client/server is a great idea - it’s always online, so you can download day and night.


How to Monitor Temperature on Raspberry Pi

You don’t want your Raspberry Pi to catch fire, do you?


How to create a shared storage from Raspberry Pi

Today we will show you how to create a shared disk in your local network.


How to Make a Media Server from Raspberry Pi

Today we will show you how to make a media server in your local network.


How to Make a Web Server with Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi is a tiny computer that can be used for many things.