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My Thoughts On The New Xbox Series X

Call me an early adopter, but it’s only 2023 and I just bought a new Xbox Series X. I didn’t check in advance what the news was. I chose the Series X only because I have a collection of boxed games and want to be able to play them, not because of the higher performance over the extremely cheap Series S.


How to Play Steam Games on Your TV?

Not all games are available on Xbox, so every gamer surely has Steam. However, sitting in front of a PC may not be comfortable, and while you can connect your laptop to your TV via HDMI, it’s not convenient. What if your desktop is in another room?


What I Read and Played in 2021

This year, we moved and now we are three. I didn’t have much energy for reading, but a reading diary cannot be missing. I spent more time playing games, especially on Xbox.


What I played in 2020?

Here is a chronological list of games I played in 2020!


How to Make a Media Server from Raspberry Pi

Today we will show you how to make a media server in your local network. We will use Raspberry Pi and MiniDLNA software for this purpose.


How I fixed my Xbox 360

Recently, my Xbox 360 broke down with the classic RROD (Red Ring of Death) after only a month of use. It was purchased from Aukra, so it’s not surprising. I have a feeling it had already been repaired before I got it, as there were a few broken legs on the processor before I started working on it, but the warranty sticker was still intact. A kind soul quickly got me a new one, but I also bought a repair kit from eBay. The kit consisted of 8 screws, several washers, and thermal paste.


How do I like playing on Xbox?

Good :) Finally, I can try and play games that I couldn’t even dream of on my laptop. All I need to do is buy an Xbox 360, which can be found on Aukro for just over 2,000, connect it to the TV and that’s it. Although it doesn’t have as great graphics as a computer worth 30,000, it doesn’t bother me on the TV and I never cared about graphics anyway. The main thing for me has always been the smoothness of the game.